June 2024 Newsletter

The snowpack is melting!

We have changed gears into summer and we are stoked.

We have spaces for you so we can make our adventure yours!

Reach out with your idea of a heli hiking adventure today 1.250.837.5417

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June 2024 Newsletter

Spring 2024 Newsletter

We have added Heli Assisted Ski Touring/Split Boarding – get in there guests!  There is still good skiing/boarding up high.

Heli Hiking and Heli Mountaineering is getting closer – we look forward to making our adventure yours.

Would you like to share your idea of a summer adventure?  Call  us today.  1.250.837.5417

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Spring 2024 Newsletter

Summer 2022 Newsletter

We are having a good time in the alpine meadows heli hiking.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Would you like to share your idea of a heli hiking adventure?  Call  us today.  1.250.837.5417

Download Full Newsletter (PDF)

Summer 2022 Newsletter

Spring 2016

Are you working on a great idea regarding your summer adventure?

Let’s grab a coffee and you can tell us about it.

We know of spectacular cafes with memorable vistas…

Download Full Newsletter (PDF)

Spring 2016

Winter and Summer Adventures 2016

We Are Winter!!!  We have been having a super powder skiing winter this year!  Please do come and join us!  Summer is not that far away….we are here for your summer questions too.  We have two new websites for your perusal…

Download Full Newsletter (PDF)

Winter and Summer Adventures 2016